Wild Turkey A-List




Wild Turkey is a Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey brand distilled and bottled by the Austin, Nichols division of Campari Group.

A group of friends from Australia dubbed ‘2 Mates and a Fat Man’ won Wild Turkey’s international The A-List contest for an all-expense-paid trip to Vegas.

I was selected to capture their adventures due to my expertise in travelogues and behind-the-scenes videos.


Tell the story of the mates’ escapades in Las Vegas in a short action-packed sizzle reel.



I decided to take a voyeuristic approach.  I first made sure our subjects felt comfortable enough to forget the camera. I filmed the winners eating in the best restaurants, partying at nightclubs, and seeing the attractions. With great reportage and innovative shots ‘in the can,’ I went to the editing room to tell the story.



Wild Turkey was very pleased with the work. Wild Turkey featured the video piece on their site.